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Did you vote for Donald J. Trump?

Mr. Trump’s “America First” policy is working. DailyScopes is run by a family business in Belgium (Europe). Since Mr. Trump became President of the United States, the “America First” policy has had some significant repercussions for our family business. We lost some big American advertisers on our sites. These companies seem to prefer to advertise on U.S. web sites, in order not to anger the current administration.

How can you help?

As stated before, DailyScopes is run by a family business in Belgium (actually in the basement of my parents home). However we are also working together with some family business in the United States. Our hosting provider is in Pittsburgh, PA. Our resident astrologer, Rita Ann Freeman, lives and works in Green Bay, WI. Several of the software products we use to produce the horoscopes are also created by small companies in the USA.

You can help us by donating a small amount to keep the horoscopes running for the next year. Currently we need an additional $1000 per month to cover the expenses for publishing the horoscopes. Most of this money goes to our U.S. suppliers. Your donations will help your fellow Americans, our suppliers. Any amount will help.

Thank you for supporting DailyScopes.

Kind regards,

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