Body & Soul Report for Steve Jobs


Your Sun sign indicates constitutional vigor and its elemental quality (fire, air, water, earth), your Moon sign shows the flow of this vital force and your health. The Moon predominates health matters in the female chart, as well as those caught under the influence of its emotional force. A disturbed flow of the vital force, ruled by the Moon, will cause fluctuations in vitality and ultimately disease. Your Moon sign and its aspects shows your instinctive, reflex actions, and your habits (good or bad). Moon patterns are reactions and habits set up in childhood, and become fixed unless acted upon by the individual themselves. Its location, aspects, and afflictions are one of the most important factors to consider in the health chart.

The Moon represents the personal habits, suffering, worry, and disease tendencies. The Moon sign is always very sensitive and represents the weakest part of the body. Operations should not be performed when the Moon is passing through the native’s sign. The Moon rules the body’s fluids, lymphatics, and the natural power of each organ, including its expulsive or detoxifying powers. Acquired and destructive habits are generally under the influence of the Moon sign. It rules the period of life from one to seven years, when so many destructive habits and health patterns are acquired, as for example from the parents or guardians. It shows what type of habits you may develop and how they affect your health.

Moon diseases today predominate the health chart. The Moon has a special affinity for the eyes and eye disorders, defects and errors of accommodation, putrefaction of the bowels, autointoxication; and disorders or the breasts, womb, and stomach. Moon forces harden and crystallize the body with age. Moon dominated persons are inconstant, restless, changeable, and variable, and succumb easily to infectious illnesses, colds and flu. The Moon rules the stomach. Today we see swollen abdomens due to excessive eating. Full, round bellies with visual defects reflect just how Moon bound and problematic the aspects of this orbital body is in the health astrological chart.

The Moon afflicts other planets and signs by its oppositions and squares. Ill-aspects show an inclination to little or no exercise. The less afflictions in the female nativity, the better a chance of a long and prosperous life. The Moon sign signifies diseases that are acquired after birth, particularly due to indiscretions, bad habits, and emotional proclivities. It rules the natural powers and immunity. Cancer, the malignant disease, is a Moon disease, and is prevalent in our mood-based society of foul language, nasty thoughts, toxic diet, and bad habits.

It should be noted whether the Moon is above the horizon at birth (waxing) or below the horizon at birth (waning). The health will be stronger with the Moon above the horizon, rather than below. Hard aspects (afflictions) are not as strong when the Moon in waxing or increasing in light.

PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: The Moon rules diseases that are periodic, return time and again, as in epilepsy, vertigo, menstrual problems, swellings, migraine headaches, and gout. Rheumatism is a Moon disease, caused by the retention of wastes in the joints and fascia. Cancer is a Moon disease, caused not only by retention of wastes but also morbid bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Moon diseases today are epidemic, as obesity, lymphatic stasis, tissue puffiness, autointoxication, fungal/zymotic disorders, and worm infestation affect nearly all industrial populations. Moon diseases are accentuated by working under artificial lights or at night, drinking water from underground pipes and/or obtained from recycled wastes, eating devitalized food stored in refrigerators and freezers, breathing stale, foul or polluted air; and eating slaughterhouse meats.

The foods and spices that benefit Moon afflictions are those ruled by the Sun and Mars. The Sun produces fruits and vegetables which when eaten raw and/or fresh, will vitalize the individual and ward off disease. The old adage, fresh is best, aptly applies to the health rules.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Lymphatic system, breasts, mucous membranes, menstruation/fertility/uterus in pregnancy, stomach and alimentary tract.


The night is ruled by the Moon, and the Sun rules the day. The ancient astrologers believed that those born during the day are more ruled by the Sun, whereas those born at night are more ruled by the Moon. Moon activities tend to raise the action of morbid germs, while the electric action of the day tends to destroy them. Night activities are less vitalizing than daytime activities. Females and Moon people tend to suffer more at night when ill. Moon people are more restless, inconstant, and changeable. The Moon rules the personality and lower mind, while the Sun rules the intellect and higher mind. Health tends to return when one begins to “see the light”.


This position indicates a native with an independent outlook on life, strong imaginative faculties, and self-reliance. These individuals require emotional if not passionate relationships and experiences or they soon lose interest. They are aggressive but often lack forethought. If the Moon is afflicted, changes of occupation and position through hasty decision may result. Trouble through women is characteristic. This Moon sign makes one restless, impatient, and irritable with a bad temper. Sexual relations tend to be brief, intense encounters.

Nervous upsets may lead to insomnia, acid indigestion, headaches, mouth ulcers, mental chaos, hair loss, and hysteria. The female native is subject to menstrual upsets and irregularities along with breast pains. The native needs potassium through fruits and vegetables.


AFFLICTIONS: Eyestrain, headache, migraines, acne, alopecia, weak vision.

BENEFICIAL FOODS: Lemons, oranges, pineapple, watercress, and almonds.

FOODS TO AVOID: Heating foods like meats should be moderated as this sign tends to be plump, nervous, and hot.

RASHI HOMEOPATHIC MIXTURE: Camphor, acid muriaticum, hepar sulphuricum, kali bromatum, phytolacca, silicea, helonias.


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