Horoscope for Sagittarius

Daily Horoscope for Sunday, May 5, 2024

daily horoscope for sagittarius

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Everything depends on the position of Saturn in the birth chart. Nothing outstanding, extraordinary or unlucky will happen, it will be dead calm. You might be a little more stable and serious. It is more of a lackluster period, time works for you and you just have to wait for a more energizing transit, although this restful one can also be appreciated.

You will feel on top form, like a teenager. You will want to move about, to go out, to meet new people. You will know how to express your ideas in a good-humored way, frankly, sincerely and convincingly. Good time for business. Possibility of new contracts.

Your feelings will be controlled, no passion. You will love peacefully, sincerely, without pain. Your interior life will be without problem, calm and happy. You could be attracted to an older dependable person, for whom you have a lot of respect or could meet an old friend or lover.

Good creative period, if you are a little artistic. You will be in great form, good humor, you will want to travel, to see new people, to talk.

Meeting new people, full of originality. Pleasant surprises, a breath of fresh air.

All difficulties, hurdles will disappear thanks to unexpected help. Life will suddenly become easier, simpler. Business will get into shape and follow their normal course, the problems will be minimized. You will be more human, more generous and will lose your severity, your hardness.

You will feel good. You will have sweet dreams, a peaceful, loving and happy family life. You might do some work or buy something to make your home even more comfortable and pretty or get a room ready for the baby you are expecting, because it is a fertile period for you. You will be very happy at the conception of this child. If you are single, it is a good time to meet someone to love. You will like to go out and meet people and above all to meet a soul sister. It is also a very good time on the work level.

A dead calm as far as love is concerned.

You will greatly need independence, you will feel a prisoner, trapped. You will rebel in order to gain your independence. You will not be able to stand the humdrum everyday existence, you will want to change your life. You will feel ill-at-ease and have the feeling that something amazing is passing you by. Often no big change comes about, so you are left with being ill-at-ease.

You will be easily irritated, your words will be insulting, outrageous and sarcastic. You will feel nervous and ill-at-ease. You will never be tranquil. You will always have the feeling you have forgotten something, you have just missed something: you will have itchy feet, not feeling good anywhere. This state of mind could be unlucky for you as much on the emotional and friendship level as on the business level.

You will certainly tend to go to excess, in a lazy, ill-considered and frivolous way.

Your judgement will be hasty. You will act imprudently, and will have a lot of conflict. You will be hard put to achieve what you want and will use somewhat doubtful methods to do this. You will be noisy and will impose yourself on others in an aggressive manner. You will over-spend. You will take uncalculated risks and will lack a sense of proportion.

You will very much want to be free and independent. The first thing you may do is to break with your past. This could mean a divorce. You will think that every tie prevents you from being free, that they are a block to your desires and plans. You will break from the past without any precautions or niceties, but in an abrupt and unthinking manner. You will think that a new and marvellous world awaits you. Your plans will be beyond your means and ability to carry out, but you won't realize this. Obviously, you will have a lot of problems. Your emotional or family life may well be stormy.

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