Body & Soul Report for Steve Jobs

11th House

In the eleventh house, the power of society, as a collective or group, is released through the individual. The power is released through the activities the individual performs within the social unit such as in their profession, church, club, fraternity, etc. Success is seen pleasurable in the social environment as his/her work and prestige unfolds. The experience gained in the tenth house makes it possible to set new social objectives, new professional goals, or to relax in the company of one’s peers or fellow workers. This house has much to do with an individual’s attitude towards achievement and social success. It is the use a person makes of either achievement or failure which establishes his/her self-worth. Success or failure brings into the total being the way one lives, feels, and acts and thus has great influence on the health of the native. Success as well as failure must be used wisely, significantly, and creatively. Regression therapy can do much to undo the patterns that led to failure, or perceived failure can be unfolded into a new dynamic.

If the eleventh house is unoccupied, the native does not consciously need friends to share his/her wishes or hopes. Those who have planets in the eleventh house always work best within groups united for a common purpose. The eleventh house is affiliated with Aquarius and rules the legs, calves and ankles. The malefics in this house bring despair, false friends, ruin and wicked children.

AFFLICTIONS: Heart function; injury or disease of the legs, calves and ankles; blood dyscrasia.


EMPOWERMENT Colors: Sky blue, orange


The capacity and need for friendship and the effects of these contacts on one’s perspective are shown by the eleventh house. Cancer ruling the eleventh house indicates the native is very sensitive and protective about their friendships. Friendship plays a major role in how these individuals perceive themselves. Friends for them may create tension but these individuals are loyal and will put up with them. This position is favorable for friendships with women.


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