Body & Soul Report for Steve Jobs


The Sun is the source of your vital power, principally ruling the brain and heart in man and woman. Its sign location (zodiac Sun sign), aspects to other planets, and house position indicate the vitality of the body, especially in males. The Sun is thus the indicator of health in males, while the Moon governs health matters in females. However, the Sun and Moon are important in health matters in both sexes. The Sun signs and Moon signs at birth, along with their aspects and positions, are regarded as the “fountains of life on Earth”. The Sun is one of the vital centers in a star map, along with the Moon, Ascendant (rising sign), and Midheaven (tenth house).

The power of the Sun and how it radiates within you can be thought of as light rays emanating from a light bulb, powering into your body. The Sun signs are divided into the Four Elements: FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius); WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces); and EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). All males born with the Sun in fire signs have the best prospects for good vitality, as light radiates most freely in a body composed of the fire element. Light also radiates freely in air, and these natives are the next strongest, but air sign people become weakened by worry and nervousness. They need rest to recuperate. The earth element for sunlight is linked with the densest matter, gives tenacity, wear and tear, rather than vitality. Theses individuals tend to recovery slowly from their illnesses. The water element for transmission of sunlight gives the weakest constitution, being a more difficult medium to manifest light (except Scorpio).

The Sun is the giver of life, but is quite impersonal in its influence that the average man or woman rarely contacts its higher qualities in a conscious or positive sense. Planetary aspects, even if hard (square or opposite), are better than no aspects at all, as in the latter, the native is hardly touched at all by its influence. This fact is the reason “Sun sign” prophecies found in the tabloids and daily paper make no sense to some individuals. When well placed, however, it signifies will power, authority, and self-reliance. If afflicted by the Moon or Ascendant, it will make the health feeble and the vitality low.

The Sun rules the metabolic fires of your body’s cells. Its placement represents how that energy is needed and distributed. This topic has been termed PHOTOBIOTICS by the author. All biologic life is ruled by the Sun. Your body requires copious quantities of light from many sources to maintain your health, vitality, and beauty. Each Sun sign has recommended foods that tend to foster vitality, as well as dietary pointers, and warnings about certain foods that will disturb your body’s distribution of the Sun’s vital rays, indicative by your Sun’s zodiac placement (the season of the year in which you were born).

In terms of the Zodiac, the twelve signs represent the Grand Man, and rule the different parts of the body, from head as in Aries, to toe as in Pisces. Thus, there is a zodiacal rulership over the body and its organs. In terms of Sun signs and rising signs, it represents where disease potential exists. The locations and transits represent how an organ or bowel will be afflicted since these are rotating, dynamic entities. The houses at birth, signify why disorders will manifest.

Inharmonious aspects to the Sun are angles and locations of the other planets in their orbits in relationship to the Sun. They are called afflictions. For example, if the Sun is afflicted by a hard angle to the Moon, the health will be weak, and the rays of the Sun will be on the cold side, the eyesight will suffer.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Vitality, the absorption of prana through the spleen, the immune system, heart function, spine and back, eyesight, individual cellular metabolism, the blood and oxygenation, consciousness.


The ruler of Pisces is Neptune, planet of the mysterious, illusive, spiritual and sensitive aspects in man. These natives are apt to be idealistic, sensitive, and responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others. Their temperament varies from being strongly optimistic to acutely pessimistic. They are generally not ambitious for material gain, preferring human interactions. Their charm, humor and sympathy is what opens the gates of opportunities for the native. Their dramatic abilities lead them to develop art, music or poetry.

Each sign has internal, external, and structural rulerships. Internally, Pisces rules the lymphatic system, synovial fluids, and functions of the glands in general. Externally, it rules the feet and toes and structurally the bones of the feet.

Piscean colors are pale green, purple, rose, and gray-blue. These individuals are benefited by the color yellow. The Piscean birthstone is the aquamarine. These natives should remember only to wear this stone if they want that particular influence to come into their life. Flowers for Pisces include the gardenia, orchid, lilac, wisteria, water lily, poppy, and pansy.


Hornbeam: Tiredness, weariness, mental and physical exhaustion.

Scleranthus: Changeable, indecisive, suffers from extreme moods and energy, does not seek advice of others or physicians.

HOMEOPATHIC POLYCREST REMEDY: Veratrum album- Used in the treatment of heat exhaustion, headache, nausea, cramps.

CELL SALT: Ferrum phosphoricum


AROMAS: Apple, camphor, cardamom, gardenia, hyacinth, jasmine, lily, mugwort, myrrh, palmarosa, sandalwood, vanilla, ylang-ylang.

PHOTOBIOTICS: Pisceans should avoid intoxicants, as this is one of the addictive signs. Many foods do not agree with this sign, especially milk and dairy products, leading to lymphatic stasis and phlegm. Fish is their best source of protein. Lemon and lime juices, cranberries and apple juice, offset lymphatic stasis. Their best grains are brown rice, bulghur wheat, and quinoa, all being of the fine lime green color when viewed under a prism. Cabbage, celery, and green juices will keep their lymphatic system flowing, along with good breathing and exercise. Tubers like potato and sweet potato are good starch foods. The native should eat fresh salads daily to keep the bowels in order.

SUSCEPTIBLE AREAS: Sex organs, thighs

AFFLICTIONS: Extravagance, indulgence and feasting leading to impure blood, intestinal putrefaction, obesity and cancer; fond of alcohol; edema, lymphatic stasis, swollen ankles/feet, sores, ulcers; insomnia; tendency to catch pneumonia; corns, bunions; slothful, neglectful.


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