Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

horoscope for pisces

The astrology forecast for Pisces for the week of April 29, 2024 to May 5, 2024

Private Life * / 3
Money and Job * / 3

Weekly Horoscope

Pisces, focus on financial and personal values this week as Mars enters Aries, encouraging assertive action in money matters. This might be a good time to initiate new financial plans or projects that increase your income. Venus's entrance into Taurus asks you to find value in the simple pleasures of life, enhancing your sense of security and self-worth. However, the square between Venus and Pluto may bring challenges related to possessions or finances, urging you to examine and transform your relationship with money. The Moon's transit through Aquarius inspires innovative approaches to your financial situation. At the same time, its passage through your sign deepens your emotional insights. As the weekend arrives, the Aries Moon energizes you to take decisive action regarding your resources -- be bold and direct in securing what you need.

Dear Pisces, this week brings a wave of positive energy that enhances both your personal and professional life. With the celestial alignment in your favor, you can expect a highly cooperative and supportive environment, especially from those of the opposite sex, on Monday. As Mars in Pisces conjuncts Neptune, your intuition is especially sharp, helping you navigate through the week gracefully. Monday, the 29th, is characterized by high cooperation from family members, particularly those of the opposite sex who seem eager to assist you with your needs.

Tuesday, the 30th, the cosmos presents you with new opportunities thanks to supportive signs like Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, and Virgo.

Wednesday, the 1st, be cautious as you might find yourself prone to judgment errors. It's not the best day for making significant decisions or projections.

Thursday, the 2nd, is a splendid day filled with ideal thinking, romantic energies, and excellent shopping opportunities.

Friday, the 3rd, your intuitive abilities are at their peak, supporting a day of responsible actions and insightful conversations.

Saturday, the 4th, Star Wars Day, is perfect for planning and receiving support for your initiatives.

Sunday, the 5th, Cinco de Mayo, offers a relaxing end to the week with sentimental energies that encourage you to unwind and enjoy the company of loved ones.


Your financial situation looks stable compared to other signs, with any significant spending likely to occur after Wednesday. Monitor your expenses and plan accordingly to maintain a healthy financial balance.

Compatible Sign(s)


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